To align with current practices for blood glucose monitoring supplies, retroactive to Jan. 1, 2024, TRICARE has changed the prescribing policy for continuous glucose monitoring system (CGMS) supplies from 30-day dispensing to 90-day dispensing. Note: Limitations and guidelines differ between TRICARE’s pharmacy and medical benefits.
These supplies are covered by the TRICARE pharmacy benefit and may be obtained from a military treatment facility pharmacy, through TRICARE Pharmacy Home Delivery or at any TRICARE retail pharmacy. Prescription copayments will apply and out of pocket costs will be higher when using a non-network pharmacy.
*Medicare Part B does not cover insulin (unless used with an insulin pump) and diabetic syringes/needles; the TRICARE pharmacy benefit is the primary payer for these items.
The following diabetic equipment is covered under the TRICARE medical program as durable medical equipment (DME):
Note: In addition to being available under TRICARE’s DME benefit, TRICARE covers the FreeStyle Libre 2 and the Dexcom G6 CGMSs as a brand-name formulary pharmacy benefit under the TRICARE Pharmacy Program managed by Express Scripts®. If obtaining under the pharmacy benefit, prescribers must request prior authorization by contacting Express Scripts at
1-866-684-4488 or faxing a completed prior authorization form to 1-866-684-4477. Search for “FreeStyle Libre 2” or “Dexcom G6” in Express Scripts’ formulary tool at
To expedite the review process, providers may attach a Letter of Attestation in lieu of clinical documentation to the authorization request.
Refer to Diabetes Outpatient Self-Management Training and Orthotics for additional diabetic services covered.
For additional information on diabetes education including definitions, symptoms and ways to manage this diagnosis, please visit our Diabetes Education page.
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