Diabetic Supplies and Equipment

To align with current practices for blood glucose monitoring supplies, retroactive to Jan. 1, 2024, TRICARE has changed the prescribing policy for continuous glucose monitoring system (CGMS) supplies from 30-day dispensing to 90-day dispensing. Note: Limitations and guidelines differ between TRICARE’s pharmacy and medical benefits.

Diabetic Supplies

These supplies are covered by the TRICARE pharmacy benefit and may be obtained from a military treatment facility pharmacy, through TRICARE Pharmacy Home Delivery or at any TRICARE retail pharmacy. Prescription copayments will apply and out of pocket costs will be higher when using a non-network pharmacy.

*Medicare Part B does not cover insulin (unless used with an insulin pump) and diabetic syringes/needles; the TRICARE pharmacy benefit is the primary payer for these items.

Diabetic Equipment

The following diabetic equipment is covered under the TRICARE medical program as durable medical equipment (DME):