Monthly Calendar with To-Do List

Monthly calendar with to-do list to help you organize your daily, weekly and monthly tasks easily with a separate printout or as a part of your binder or digital planner.

If you want to exclude certain days, such as weekends, go to 'EDIT SETTINGS' and uncheck the days you wish to remove. If your week starts on Monday (selected in the 'Week start' menu), uncheck the 6th and 7th days. If your week starts on Sunday, uncheck Sunday (the 1st day) and Saturday (the 7th day).

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Help translate Start date Week start Cutting marks Add blank page

A blank page at the beginning of the document will facilitate the double-sided printing making sure your planner spreads are placed correctly.

Printing layout and cutting marks preview

Edit Settings
1 day of the week 2 day of the week 3 day of the week 4 day of the week 5 day of the week 6 day of the week 7 day of the week

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Monthly Calendar with To-Do List

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Monthly Calendar with To-Do List

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Customer reviews

5 of 5 stars 4.7 of 5 stars Reviews 1 All Reviews 3036 Comments 0

One of my fave monthly printables as it just "works" and looks nice

22 Aug, 2024 Write a Review

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